A dang good game

User Rating: 9 | RAGE X360
When I first took a glance at RAGE, I wasn't all that impressed. I couldn't see how a war torn like conflict in a barren waste land was going to fun or different from other games in this genre. I was so very wrong. The moment you set foot into the world of RAGE, you're immersed in it's atmosphere. The visual dynamics and landscapes are impressive to say the least. Combat is surprising very fun and, at times, can be difficult. The way enemies move when shot at etc. is realistic and makes follow up shots a lot more difficult when you have a few guys coming at you. The storyline was pretty good but isn't a 9 rating storyline at all. What boosts it up to that rating are all of the side things you can do which greatly enhance and broaden the game. Anywhere from a card game, to collecting, to playing a "strum". It's just fun and addictive. The main storyline I don't believe is going to have a lot of replay value though since it's a mystery in a way. You aren't sure what's around the next corner but after you beat it, you know every step of the way. Weapons make up for this however since there are a variety of different ways to kill your enemies. I almost forgot. The sound quality of this game is amazing. I highly recommend you play this game with surround sound.

If you are a first person shooter and can respect "juicing" up a game in the sense of visuals and sound, you're gonna enjoy this game. I'm telling ya, it's worth a play through.