Mindless Smash Time

User Rating: 5 | Rampage SMS

Rampage for the Sega Master System (SMS) is a good port of the classic arcade game. In the game you play as an oversized monster and go on a...rampage...across different cities. Your goal is to destroy all the buildings in a stage while eating people, destroying helicopters and tanks, and being a general monster. The SMS version let's you play as all three monsters (George the Ape, Lizzie the Lizard, and Ralph the Wolf), looks great, and also allows for simultaneous 2-player play. The game is a blast (especially with a friend)...but the fun wears out pretty quickly. Every stage seems exactly the same, the monsters seem to all play exactly the same, the music stays exactly the same...you get the idea. The first and last stages will both offer pretty much the same experience, just with different building placement. Overall, Rampage is a great addition to any collection for the 2-player plug-and-play fun...but never will really be a game you want to play at length or come back to a ton.