This game was my idol at five years old

User Rating: 8.2 | Rampage ARC
Aw, I still remember running up the stairs of the local Chuck E. Cheeze's trying to beat my brother to the open spot on this incredible game called Rampage. Being five years old though caught me at the butte end of my brothers' elbow being forced to watch till he had to go down to my mom's table to get more tokens which would finally result in a nice switch picken cause my mom thought if I played games like that I'd end up in a gang.
But the time I did spend on this game was well worth the red ass. You get to choose from three different giant monsters. George the gorilla (much like King Kong), Lizzie the lizard (Godzilla, female I guess) and Harold the werewolf (....a big wolf).
Each level consists of a handful of buildings that need to be demolished with your bare fists before the level is completed. Army men that hang out windows or on foot, are your enemies and your energy. There are also innocent bi-standers that can be eaten. Other enemies are strictly army related such as tanks and helicopters that spit dotted bullets (such as the little army men), or any body of water.
There are two buttons, punch and jump, and you maneuver your beast moving left and right or up and down to climb the buildings. You must be attached to a building in order to beat it senseless before it comes crashing to the ground. You can also jump from building to building, climb to the top and leap from building top to building top.
This game is fun and very satisfying. The buildings crack and crumble quite nicely which makes the game become addicting. But once you play through about twenty levels the game doesn't really progress into something you haven't already seen levels prior. But once you find a couple buddies to control the other two monsters, the game really picks up. Either cooperating or just beating the crap out of each other makes the game exactly what I believe it was meant for. There is nothing like punching your over-sized buddy off the edge of a building to watch him cover his eyes because he can't stand to see the sight of the ground before he plummets to the bottom. Then dropping down after him to eat him once he turns back into a human (I'm not even trying to explain any kind of plot cause I could never figure it out, I just know that your monster turned into a little guy or a girl if you were Lizzie).
So if you enjoy putting holes through walls or ever wished you could be a big monster bashing down buildings and causing chaos on the city streets (eating people for health is a nice touch) this game is right up your alley.
-Benjamin Todd