Ratchet and Clank, the start of something amazing!

User Rating: 7.5 | Ratchet & Clank (Platinum) PS2
As like my last review I told you that I hadn't got the chance to try the Ratchet and Clank series as a kid. The collection being my real first experience to the series. I don't know why I made the Going Commando review first. Maybe because I liked it more, who knows. Being the first in the series it had to be pretty important because it was the first game to get me hooked. My first time playing I thought it was average but the more I played the more I got addicted to it. I especially liked collecting the gold bolts. The story was average but the game made up for it with the fun as heck gameplay. I loved the weapons, that's one of things that made me realize that Ratchet and Clank is unique. I admit in my first playthrough I had a bit of trouble with things like the Alien Queen and the hover races. But the more I played the better I got. A few things I disliked were collecting enough bolts to purchase some of the more expensive weapons. This took me like 15 hours in itself, not to mention it got really boring. I also disliked the final level, I felt that added way to many enemies and not a decent checkpoint. I found myself dieing more then once and then having to restart the whole level. All in all this game was great fun and a wonderful way to start me into the series. It doesn't come close to the second game but it's still a great game.