Great game despite it's release date, sure to bring excitement and joy throughout.

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank (Platinum) PS2
The Beginning of an Era

This particular Ratchet and Clank game is the first of a highly successful nine part series. Playing this game was greatly enjoyable, and after playing this game I instantly put the other Ratchet and Clank games on my wish list.

The game starts off with you playing as Ratchet, a handyman from the Planet Veldin. Although it never says so in this particular game, he is a Lombax and the last of his kind. You will than meet Clank, a robot who was designed to hunt and destroy, however there was a malfunction and he came out as an innocent harmless robot (so it seems). Ratchet meets up with Clank and they unite in an effort to save the galaxy from the evil Chairman Drek. Throughout the game you will meet various characters of significance such as Captain Qwark (superhero), Big Al (mechanic), Skid McMarx (pro racer/hoverboarder) Helga (fitness trainer) and finally last but definitely not least The Plumber (simply a plumber). These characters will all be featured in most of the series and will help you throughout.

One of the reasons this game is so enjoyable is obviously the selection of weapons and gadgets. First off you are assigned with a Bomb Glove (which detonates deadly explosions) and a wrench (Omniwrench 3000) which will be your primary weapon throughout the game. The rest of the weapons and gadgets must be earned. By doing this you must buy them with the galaxy's currency, which is in fact bolts. You will find bolts throughout the game either in crates or dropped from enemies. This game takes a lot longer than what it seems, since it will take a while finding bolts to collect every weapon.

Despite the fact that there are so many weapons, you don't tend to use them that much, since the gameplay is quite easy and most of the time only the wrench is needed. you don't really feel the need to use your weapons much, especially considering you must buy the ammo and it takes away the enjoyment of just wasting ammo. However this problem is fixed in the rest of the games.

I highly reccomend this game for anyone, and I guarantee you will enjoy it. In fact I assure you, you will have the urge to buy the other releases after playing.

I rate this game a 9.0