The game that started it all.

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank (Platinum) PS2
When Ratchet & Clank was first released for the PlayStation 2 on November 4, 2002, it passed me by. You see, I did not own a PS2 until Christmas of that same year. However, when I did receive the game 4 years later, I really found myself enjoying it.
When this game starts up, you see the Insomniac logo, and then you can begin your adventure. This game begins with our hero, Ratchet, working on his ship on his home planet, and then it cuts to a robot factory, where interference in the computer system causes a petit robot to be created. Once the robot orients itself, it runs off and escapes the planet. However it is chased by the factory's guards, and then is shot down, crashing on the planet Veldin.
Then we get to play as Ratchet, and you will find that his controls are easy to pick up and play with. However, they are not quite as smooth as the controls in the game's many sequels, which are superior. I do believe, however, that they do a reasonably good job.
When this game was first released, its graphics were spectacular. Running off of the engine used in 2001's Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, this game was really quite a sight to behold. The Metropolis level in particular impressed graphically.
This game also has a very catchy soundtrack that is similar in style to the Spyro series. The dialogue in the game is not as well done as in later entries in the series, but it gets the job done.
Now you may be thinking at this point that I have not given reasons for awarding this game a 9, but hold on. Shouldn't I only be judging it based on how awesome it was 7 years ago? The action comes at a fast pace, the characters interact very well, the weapons are amazing, and it is not afraid to throw a ton of variety at players looking for fun. If you're looking to find a fun game for the PS2, try this one.