A Great Start to a Great Series

User Rating: 8.5 | Ratchet & Clank (Platinum) PS2
Although some people like Ratchet & Clank, they might not own the first game. Well, I do. So there. The story behind this is that Ratchet is working on his ship, while on a nearby planet, giant robots are being produced. But something goes wrong, and a very puny robot is produced. I think you can guess who it is. Clank discovers an Infobot, which is a robot containing a little video clip. He is then being pursued, and he tries to escape in a spaceship, but ends up being shot down to Ratchet's planet. Ratchet discovers him, and then Clank shows him the Infobot, showing a man named Chairman Drek, who is ripping apart planets to build a new one for his people because their old one is polluted. So the two set off to find Captain Qwark to save the galaxy. Your main goal is to find an Infobot on each planet, which gives you a clue to where to go next. You will have an awesome arsenal of weapons at your disposal. There's one for everybody. A blaster,a rocket launcher,electric whip sort of thing,etc. The planets you visit are very different, from a city to a resort, to an all out war zone. My biggest complaint with this game is that when you use the quick select, it doesn't pause the game, but this is fixed in the next game, so if you can get past that very minor thing, you should have a very enjoyable experience with this game.