One of best game of this generation but defiently not the best

User Rating: 9 | Red Dead Redemption 2 XONE

Warning: Spoilers

This game take 65_70 hours to complete story and 80%overall Okay so this game is really very good and many aspect of game was good but there was also many negative aspect in this game Lets start with positive thing 1. Stunning graphic with big world ... 2.gameplay and shooting techniqe was really good 3.,story and charcter development was so good also ........... ........... ........... ......... ........

the negative of this game was : _1.over reality espically in the begining of game when your horse get tired very fast popular like this should offer more langauge subtitle espically arabic one when you see less popular game like watch dog ,tombraider,farcry,all of them contain arabic translation and this game donot have ,it will be like company donot show respct to player in middle east despite of high sales in this region and espically game like rdr2 that focus on story should provide many language subtitle espically arabic one becaust it is one of most speaking language _3.more than half of the game you will spent it riding the horse and fast travel system in this game is designed not to use it iand it is useless you have to walk so far to station and then you may be found it closed _4.story event was very slow And many mision was very boring like ride wagon and this stuff and more than half of the game you will be riding the horse and by the total there was many boring stuff in this game _5.arthur ending wasnt that good they was able to do better ending like make him heal from disease and get married with mary or oneelse and get out of country and thing like this . _6.epilouges mision was useless and just 4 to 6 mision was good like the final one and in epilouges they mention arthur alittle and if they make the ending with arthur it will be better because it is arthur morgan game

So at the end this game is one of top five game in this generation till this date 12/7 july/2020 but it still far away to reach the witcher 3 level which i consider it best game ever make .the witcher 3 was better in story as you can choose the path you want and as fanatsy story vs overreality game rdr2....,,, almost evry thing in witcher 3 was better just horse riding in rdr2 was better but it turned to be very boring as rdr2 is almost half of it you riding the horse and although the horse doesnt come to you if you far away from him and you have to run big distance to back to him but in the witcher 3 the horse come to you even if you on the top of mountain