great multiplayer,awesome campaign and a whole lot of destruction if u like blowing stuff (and ppl) up this is th

User Rating: 9 | Red Faction: Guerrilla PC
the multi player is excellent and stops people from camping, most of the time
there are a variety of different abilities which u can pick up (in the form of backpacks) so it keeps it simple but interesting for new and old players

the single player campaign isnt the longest or most varient style ever seen but the amount of destruction and side quests is enough to overlook this.
red faction is the only game i hav seen which takes destruction of alomst anything and makes it so precise and real.
so basically if ur into that sort of shooter games this is definetly 4 u
the difficulty on single campaign is perfect making it difficult for those who pick hard, e.t.c. although at some particular missions it may b to difficult on whatever setting u placed it on although you are allowed to change this at any moment in the game so you are able to quickly overcome a mission that is annoying you.

there is a bonus mode called wrecking crew but this is just a simple side add on
it isnt anything great but u may enjoy it
it might add maybe an hour at max of time until u get bored of it