"Unparalleled level of destruction, simple and enjoyable gameplay. Story, however is left to be desired"

User Rating: 7 | Red Faction: Guerrilla X360
Red Faction: Guerilla is the third instalment of Violation Studios destructible series. This time we see a move to 3rd person play, with a large emphasis on total destruction in an open world, rather than the previously confined destruction. Needless to say the team at Violation have gone to town on the scale and methods of destruction available, nothing that is comparable to any series seen on consoles to date. My primary concern whilst playing red faction was the story. Character profiles, conversations and plot seemed to be rather diluted, and a lot of the time I found myself repeating missions that seemed to have only a few different goals in mind.

This, although enjoyable the first time, moves away from re playability on the large part, unless you like attempting repetitive destruction. The AI in the game is another sore point, with enemies tending to swarm and outnumber than use any sort of tactics. This can be infuriating on the most part, although numerous flaws in game play (like becoming invulnerable whilst clambering into vehicles) allow you to stay alive in these inhospitable conditions. There is a vast array of vehicles that add to the fun of play, and choosing the correct vehicle for each challenge requires some thought.

I don't have much to say on the graphics side of things, they are polished, smart and make it even more enjoyable bringing down utter chaos on a collection of buildings. Although a wide array of weapons are supplied, the best and most gratifying way of bringing down a building tends to be the sledgehammer. With no ammo count, and the ability to smash through almost any wall, makes this the weapon of choice.

This beckons the question why are we using dynamite and not hammers to demolish buildings. Although I don't tend to talk about multi-player, I must note that Violation have provided a vast array of modes and maps for this part of the game, bringing a new lease of life to the game after completion. Also to be noted are the releases of DLC to the mix, allowing players to add a variety of new maps, modes and a prequel to the main story.

Red Faction: Guerilla is a worthy game, and defiantly worth playing through, especially if you like destroying almost anything with a hammer.