Capcom should have just left well enough alone...

User Rating: 4 | Resident Evil 3 PS4

Starting off, this game is small. I don't mean short, I am alright with beating an RE game in less than 2 hours. There just isn't a lot in the game world. The first area can be thoroughly discovered in about 10 minutes, and the stuff that you uncover isn't all that interesting. There are new things, like exploding barrels and generators to give some environmental damage to the enemies, but there aren't enough barrels to make it worth putting any of them in.

This game doesn't feel like it takes place in the same world as Resident Evil 2. It doesn't feel like a horror game, either. Most of the tense parts are just because the game world is dark and you can't see what is around you, which is disappointing because the world looks beautiful. Yes, there are parts that take place in the police station from RE2, but the entire part of the game feels unnecessary. They could have left the entire place out and the end of the game would be just as impactful.

There are only two puzzles in the whole game, and both are pretty straight forward. I am not counting the clock tower lock box in the beginning, because that isn't a puzzle, it is a fetch quest.

Nemesis is boring. He looks pretty cool, but he is predictable and fairly easy to defeat. He only drops two useful items, the rest of the times, it is just ammo.

The rest of the enemies are nothing to write home about, either. The ones that gave me the hardest time were the zombie dogs, but the game only throws a total of 4 at you. Only one enemy gets a fancy reveal cutscene, and that scene is really nice looking, but the others don't even get acknowledged as being a new enemy.

Carlos is a character with no depth. He is just there. His character model and his voice acting are what you get when you tell your mom to bring home some Keanu Reeves, but she gets the store brand instead. His character is always saying things that break the immersion, like about how dumb the RCPD is set up. It is like he wants to break the 4th wall, but he just can't manage to do it.

There isn't any character development for Jill, either. Everything you learn about her in the game you do so in the first 5 minutes from a few documents around her apartment.

The game does have a human "bad guy", but again, his character isn't developed at all.

The lore, as with other Resident Evil titles, is presented mainly through files you can pick up. There are 56 throughout the game, about 20 are just there to describe a game mechanic in the most boring way possible, leaving the rest to expand the game world. I would argue that two of them (Training Log and Raccoon Times Reader’s Column) are so poorly written that they actively take away from the game world.

The gameplay is pretty solid for the most part. There are a lot of times where I felt that the game was expecting me to do something, but it didn't want to tell me what to do. When certain enemies get you to the ground, they just pause, like there should be a button prompt that I need to press to get them off of me, but they don't say what it is. One of the loading screens says that I need to press all of the buttons repeatedly and wiggle the analog sticks when an enemy grabs me, but it didn't seem to do anything for me.

To wrap this up, Resident Evil 3 has added nothing to the franchise in this remake, and I feel it would have been much better off if they just remastered the old game instead. Whoever was in charge of this remake has no love for the character, the setting, or the world it all exists in. It isn't scary, and if it wasn't because of the trophies, there isn't a reason to play it more than once.