Great game with some pretty shining flaws

User Rating: 8 | BioHazard Outbreak (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
After reading many reviews for this game I decided I needed to give one for myself, as a fan since the very first resident evil game and up, and owning every resident evil game from the original to RE:Revelations (excluding Gun survivor). Resident Evil Outbreak was not made to appeal to the casual gamer. It was made to appeal to fans of the previous entries of the series. It has the classic Resident Evil controls and Camera Angles combined with eerie ambient tracks to set the mood for the game, and with the occasional orchestrated boss fight tracks, all of which made the series famous in the first place. It also features the slot based inventory and scarce ammunition and healing items which gives you the feeling you are unequipped for what lies ahead. Many will be easily frustrated by its learning curve but it is all quite logical especially for a team based survival horror game
-Gameplay: With 8 characters who all have different abilities, their are many ways to play through the scenarios, and their is a character made to cater to any type of player, offensive or defensive. The game encourages coop with you being able to trade items, to shoulder your wounded teammates to safety while their in danger, to get them back up on their feet as their dying on the floor, to help them up gaps they've failed to get good grip on, holding doors shut from zombies as a teammate types in a password, to help each other push an otherwise unmovable object, basically allowing you to do anything necessary to survive. It featured fairly difficult puzzles, that kept you thinking as you tried to survive attacks from the many monsters in the game, The most evident flaw in Outbreak's gameplay would be the lack of a proper autoaim feature, making it very difficult to hit any creature that can fly especially. Another flaw is the load times which were 6-12 seconds per room.
-Sound: Anyone who has played outbreak offline will agree the adlibbing although essential for controlling the bots is also extremely flawed. Your AI teamates will run around like lunatics shouting the most random stuff ever. At first it's quite laughable, but after a little while it gets annoying. The voice acting in cutscenes was occasionally really good and other times really bad The monsters and weapons all sound great, and the music features some of the best orchestrated tracks I've heard in a video game (the outbreak theme itself being a great example).
-Story: Considering this is an online resident evil game featuring scenarios and not an entire campaign mode, the game's story is surprisingly good. It takes place during the Viral Outbreak in Raccoon City around the same time as resident evil 2 and 3. The game adds to the story, and can easily be considered part of the resident evil cannon (unlike the abominably bad story in Operation Raccoon City that is and can only be non-cannon). It's not a masterpiece in story writing, but it's not really bad in any way either.
-Online: Unfortunately online is no longer available yet it made outbreak one of the most fun entries of resident evil I had ever played. The things people did to get around the lack of voice chat and faulty adlib system was hilarious. Seeing someones stomp on and item calling your characters name and shouting "COME HERE!" over and over to get you to take it was one of the silliest things I'd seen in a game. Unlike the AI bots, the majority of players were quite good at it, and the amount of teamwork used to survive the harder difficulties made the game a gem. Having teammates risk their life to save one another and trying to manage manage items equally based on skill was another highlight to the online play.
-Replayability: The game featured many unlockables that added much to the replayability of the game. Nearly every NPC player you encountered in the game could be unlocked via points made from completing levels, and become playable characters for the main game. Also things like concept arts and every cutscene from the game was unlockable as well. The 5 scenarios featured in the game were all very diverse, and with 8 different characters to play them as and with many extra unlockable characters, costumes, and many other unlockables, including other gametypes such as Lonewolf (play without teammates) and Infinity mode (infinite ammo), their was much reason to keep playing this game.
Although not perfect Resident Evil Outbreak was one of the best online experiences I've ever had. With the amount of content contained in the game I felt well rewarded every time I completed a scenario. The game also featured probably the best gameplay in any "Survival Horror Resident Evil" that I'd played. So if your looking for a challenging survival horror entry with a team based premise, definately give the game a try, unfortunately the game is no longer online, but the singleplayer is still very playable, just more difficult.
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