A non-stop first person thriller, survival horror never looked so good..

User Rating: 9 | Resident Evil Village PS5

Resident Evil: Village or Resident Evil 8, the sequel to RE: Biohazard brings back the return of a few characters in an all-new locale. The village is full of scares, you will appreciate time to explore when there are no enemies trying to chase you down and eat you. The graphics in 4K look amazing as you explore a village, castle, bridges, watery areas, snowy areas, dark areas, all full of surprising details. You can venture off the beaten path to discover secrets in the form of upgrades that you can use to get stronger as you progress. Usually, I don't really like cooking in videogames but RE: Village does it right. Any animals that you can kill on your adventure can be collected to cook which provide you with permanent upgrades. This is awesome because you don't have to focus too much on cooking all the time, once you make an upgrade, you're good to go. The weapons all feel nice to shoot and the crafting system is done well. You use crafting to create new ammos, health packs and more. The biggest lure of RE: Village is just the well-crafted locale's; they are all very atmospheric and chilling. I completed RE: Village in 10.5 hours and it was a fun ride. One that I'm glad is over and can't wait to see what the developers come up with next.