Resistance 3 over Res 2

User Rating: 9 | Resistance 3 PS3
I'm selecting "Best in Series" but we warned I never truly played Resistance 1, so I am just comparing 2 and 3 here.

3 outdid 2 by leaps and bounds, and most of that was found in the story, and more importantly, the characters in the story. 3 introduced some new blood into the Res 3 world and they also infused the new game with what I felt was a much more compelling storyline for the characters.

On this mission your not a Hybrid/Human military experiment creature that goes rogue, your instead a dishonourably discharged military personnel who gets asked to help in a wild mission to save Earth.

Ultimately the things you do and see in Res 3 give the game a different perspective. Not so much through a military mans views but rather through a survivors, and all he and his friends must endeavor to try to complete their mission to stop the incoming Chimera.

The few added (or re-added) perks were things like non regenerating life and the "gun wheel". Both have their functions in the game and really changing your weapon to freeze, then shotgun, then exploding bullets is a lot of fun, and you did collect them to use them.

Its the small things in Res 3 that add up to a very enjoyable overall experience.

Multiplayer also has some nice additions and perks but I will leave that to others to discover on their own.

Take care gamers.