Soccer + Cars = Awesome!

User Rating: 10 | Rocket League PC

After seeing some friends play this a little while ago, I decided to pic it up on Steam. Man ,why didn't I get this sooner!? Its a ton of fun. It's fast paced, challenging, and frustrating all at the same time. There are moments where you fill fell like you are king of the game, and there are times where it will make you want to rage quit (only to got back in 5 minutes later)

The ball is controllable, to a point, it bounces around all over the place, yet you can make some stellar shots with it. Even though the AI sucks, play the single player mode, really helps out. The internet play is awesome, haven;t had a single dropped match so far, and all the DLC for it is optional, no matter what car you use, the stats for every vehicle ar the same. 10/10 Essential