Amazing action game and best in it series

User Rating: 9.5 | Saints Row: The Third X360
Saints Row is an outstanding game that is very fun to play. I enjoy the game alot. It is so fun and has a lot of extra content in it. The best thing about this game is the Co Op. The co op is very enjoyable and if you are having trouble on a mission, which mostly likely you will you can have someone else join you. I played the Co Op on most of my mission.

Another good thing about the game is the customize. They allow you to create a player to start the game. I like the clothe and looks they have for the create a player. You can also design you vehicle. I love how they allow you to do that. This game also allows you to buy weapons, shops, and other buildings.

The graphic for the game isn't the best but its okay. They could have done a much better job with the graphics. And they could done a better job with the faces. Most of the characters has the same face.

The music in the game is very good. There is a lot to choose from. They have Rock, Metal, SCreamo, Rap , Classical.

this is a great game to get. I recommend this game. If you love playing game with a free world then you will love this game. One of my favorite game to play.