Saints row 3 review

User Rating: 3 | Saints Row: The Third PC

The review is made following my experience, it doesn't mean the game is bad or good in a particular way

Except this time because this game fucking sucks.

At age of 32, i never try a game who literally offend my intelligence.

Somehow this game succeed where Street Fighter Third Strike, Soul Calibur 4 and Quake 3 Online multiplayer failed: Hating an entire genre.

Let's start with the good points. Firstly the game has this infinite respawn vehicles which permits you to wreck your stuffs without the fear of losing it. Secondly the Horde mode is fun and more interesting than the campaign mode and thirdly you can earn money faster.

Unfortunately the praise ends here so let's talk of the problems:

Artificial Retardness:

This game has one of the worst I.A. that you could ever experience, enemies are as treating as a duck in the target practice in luna Park and most of the time you run and cover because they are too much and your life bar is a joke. I really wish this was an iperbole but even tanks and jets can be knock down with little effort but this is nothing compared to the I.A. of your companions.

They constantly getting shot, stucking in spot that you could never imagine and basically being an obstacles. Long story short you waste half of your time rescuing him or backtracking because these "pieces of technology" literally fight against you.

Abilities or how I stop worrying and hating them.

Let me explain to you how these abilities work in this game: They cost too much, they literally change anything and you need almost more than 100k dollars to reach at least level 3 for a single ability. After wasting 100k dollars for sprint I can run 20 seconds instead of 10 seconds, with any change in speed or stamina management, I just run 20 seconds instead of 10.

Call of duty-esque missions, because creating your own ideas is too mainstream:

Maybe at first the variety may fool you, killing enemies with mega man cannon, punching prostitutes with ak47 or fighting a futuristic military Corp. May give you the impression that this game is the best, until you discover the truth. As much as Call of duty's """"""""challenging""""""""" missions no matter if you bust an entire army (while your companions are getting shot) or you are being chased by military vehicles, just reach the checkpoint and everything is fine, kill the target and magically you complete the mission with any consequences.

Call of duty'stamina and health regeneration:

If the structure wasn't enough, this game rips the notorious trademark of the Activision'fps, the inconsistent stamina and health regeneration. You can literally take down your enemy with a punch no matter the large amount of bullets he has shot at you with at least 10% of health lost. To be fair I suggest to you to use a very aggressive and careless approach to enemies instead of using firearms.

Firearms? Hit detection??? Stopping power?????:

Do you always think that pistols are useless in Cod? Do you always lose your mind because you waste an entire magazine of a assault rifle against your enemy and he still alive? Well, prepare to going berserk after using any single firing weapon in this game, a game where a sniper rifle in the stomach cannot kill your enemy but TWO hits of a melee weapon are enough to kill almost anyone except the big brutes, big brutes that can be stunned by punches and a rocket launcher do anything to them except hurting a little bit more than a sniper headship. By the way head shots works only with sniper rifle and upgraded Desert Eagle. What, do you expect to kill humans with an headset? What do you think this is, a decent game?

In other words:

This game is an edgy and cringy adventure game with a gameplay which goes from noob-proof to borderline retarded. Do a solid to yourself, play GTA.

Rate: 3/10, **** this game.