Saints Row: The Third provides you with an insanely fulfilling a game that sky rockets on the wockiness meter.

User Rating: 8.5 | Saints Row: The Third PS3
Right from the start you're immediately doing the craziest things. This sets the tone for the rest of the game and boy is it fun. Saints Row 3 sets you in the feet of the leader of the Saints. You are thrust into the city of Steelport, and you must defeat the local gangs to take control of Steelport. Along the way you also face some military extremists opposing any gang actions at all.

You are given many weapons throughout the story of Saints Row 3 and this includes: (male genitalia shaped plastic sex toy) bats, dual SMG's, and laser guided airstrikes. As you can see, you get a massive load of unique, crazy weapons to guide you along through this wonky game. The weapons ensures that the game is fun to play throughout. Boy, is it fun though. The game throws out activities for you to do. My favorite one is Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax. Judging from the name you can assume it's a television contest where you go around killing mascots for money. This is incredibly fun led by the really funny commentators, and the wonkiness of the arenas. There's just too much for me to say about the funness achieved by playing this game.

Another big feature is the vehicles you come across: Flying vehicles, boats, or land vehicles. There's a great variety of all three of these vehicles but the weakest link is the boat area. I don't think there are many different kinds of boats available to you. Also, a weak point on the developers behalf is that It feels like they didn't give too much attention to the sea because throughout the whole story; I don't recall any missions really pushing you out to the sea to drive some boats. This really disappoints me and to add to this.

The world consists of three huge chunks for three different gang controlled islands. This is one of the disappointments for the game. It doesn't feel alive and this builds up to how the game is hugely disappointing in the technical aspect. While flying above the city, I see cars that disappear after driving for a few seconds; but once I fly in they disappear and there are no cars there actually. While driving, cars pop up on the opposite side of the road once they come within a certain distance; and this makes the world feel fake. While looking out to the sea, I didn't see anybody riding any boats at all. It really doesn't convince you that the world is alive with any of this.

Now, for everything technical related. It's very noticeable that the game doesn't look that good. It's just good enough to pass for ok. Textures can be downright horrible at times and I encountered lag a little bit below five times. As for bugs, I encountered a huge amount of bugs; many killing me. A few times I gangster stole a car and once I jumped in, it killed me. Even with these technical flaws with the game, it really doesn't hinder the game's amazingness. By the time I was done with the game, I felt very satisfied. So many crazy missions to play and some really funny characters/ moments make this game stand above many other games. Don't let any of the technical aspects of the game scare you off because the game is worth any of your time. Being a GTA clone, this game starts to separate away from GTA with its craziness. This is a good thing of course.