Although it's a bit more short then the first episode, it's far more confusing...

User Rating: 8 | Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - Episode 2: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak PC
So.. What's the story? After the ending of the first episode (SPOILER alert!) you see the skeletons of sam and max in a fighting position and then you discover, through a discovery of some movies, that it was in fact the skeletons of the grand-grandfathers... (END OF SPOILER).
In the game you need to travel back and forth throu the movies so that Sammath and Maxsimus will find the special artifact their after....
Well, the story is a nice story, but its very confusing because of the need to switch between movies all the time and keep track of everything... More then that, the plot itself was a lot less funny than in the previous chapter... and the elves... maybe it's just me, but i really didn't like the elves in the second season, and i really hope it's the last time will see then in the present one..
One of the great things about this game is Max's ventriloquist... it's hilarious to make everybody talk, even when it's not plot related...

All and all, and even if it's a bit less then the previous one, it's still a great episode... just if you would like to show it to someone who never saw the game before, i would have picked an other one:)