So, This is the end! And what an end it is! 5 star quality episode! The pick of the season!

User Rating: 9 | Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - Episode 5: The City That Dares Not Sleep PC
This was the first season of Sam And Max that i played during the actual release, and i must say, the waiting almost killed me every time all over again!

There's really little to say about the controls, graphics, and overall gameplay just because it's been pretty linear all along the season. The only thing that has changed was the fact that (And this is a spoiler for those who havn't seen/played the rest of the season yet) you don't have max with his psychic powers to play with, which is kind of a shame 'cause it was preaty fun to use them on different, unrelated to the plot, items and characters and see the outcome. And yet, The wonderful plot really makes you forget that...

And about the plot.. The best one so far! seriously, i almost cried at the end (not seriously...)! super funny, super fun, and a surprising ending. The only thing that was a bit predictable was the main "Villain" at the end, which all along the season i waited for it to came out! and it did..

Unfortunately, it was the shortest episode so far, mere 3 hours, or is it just me who got better? naaah....

Have Fun!
The Great Kultuk!