It's time to play a game and, if you keep your head, you might make it out alive.

User Rating: 7 | Saw PS3
SAW is a very popular film franchise so it was only a matter of time before a game was released. Konami has adopted SAW as a spiritual successor to it's Silent Hill franchise and, while it has serious flaws, is a decent start for a series with some potential.

This chapter of the SAW series takes place between the first and second movies and follows Detective Tapp, a character who appeared in the first movie, after being kidnapped by The Jigsaw Killer. After waking up in a trap and freeing himself, he is then left to escape from the booby-trapped asylum. He soon discovers that he is isn't the only one Jigsaw has trapped and has to defend himself. He is then tasked with saving others that were involved with Tapp, by doing this he gets one step closer to Jigsaw.

Scattered about the asylum are patient notes and audio tapes that explore the back story of the victims you need to save and the asylum itself. It's an entertaining story but it isn't told in the best of ways, though it is another night with The Jigsaw Killer.

The gameplay is really simplistic, Jigsaw has you running around in a linear fashion, solving puzzles, fighting other victims and just trying to stay alive. Walking on broken glass drains your health and tripwires with a little surprise attached are scattered about. You can pick the locks of cabinets and doors and solve all sorts of puzzles. These puzzles don't really evolve throughout the game, they just get more difficult and they can get both repetitive and challenging.

The combat is incredibly broken, with attacks being slow, simplistic AI and devoid of all strategy. Luckily, these aren't very difficult. The game isn't very long either, making this game a mediocre gameplay experience, though it is better than most licenced properties.

The audio is decent, with the voice acting being average but Tobin Bell as Jigsaw is fantastic. It adds to the creepiness of the asylum.

The presentation is mixed, the character models aren't impressive and the animation is simple, but the asylum looks great. The Unreal Engine really brings the deteriorating asylum to life, the gore isn't bad either. It's faithful to the franchise for sure.

While not the best, it's an interesting game. The story's alright and the audio and presentation are good, it's just not that fun to play. Let's hope Konami can fix this in the future.

Story: 7.0/10
Gameplay: 6.5/10
Audio: 7.0/10
Presentation: 8.0/10