Yes, the controls can be frustrating at times, but ignore this, and you'll have a bunch of fun...

User Rating: 8.5 | Scarface: The World Is Yours WII
I always wanted a Scarface game, but the other versions were too pricy. But this was worth the 15 bucks...

Presumed dead in a fire set by rival mobsters, but still alive, now your taking back your territory. So your traveling to places like the ghetto neighborhoods, to "Godfather-like" mansions and cities. But it may seem stupid, but it's fun and I assure you, you'll have fun learning about all the crap Tony had to go through for his revenge...

The gameplay was actually fun, bad controls set aside. So after your done shooting or beating baddies in an alleyway, you can go on your phone GTA4 style and order stuff like cars and guns, Mercenaries style. So this game will remind you of many games. The voice-acting is superb. There are many guns in the game, like assault rifles and pistols, just for your amusement...

The graphics were unimpressive, frame-rate slowed down time to time. Some unimportant faces were mixed and looked like it was from Aliens.

So I had so much fun with this game, but the controls are bad. You may have more fun with the other versions, but if it's out of your price reach, pick this game up!