Scarface is a good experence to people who are fans of scarface enspecily if you like gangsters evry gangsters like Tony

User Rating: 8 | Scarface: The World Is Yours PS2
Scarface is a good experence to people who are fans of scarface enspecily if you like gangsters evry gangsters like Tony Montana the drug lord you play as Tony Montana you start in your mansion in the say hello to my liittle freind scene and you escape your mansion you lost all your money all your drugs all your exotics and the only thing you got is your balls and your word and you dont break'em you lost everything you had Sosa took everything you had so you build your empire from the ground up the locations are Cuba,the caribbean and Miami you can get money from assassin,boat driver,driver and to the best way drugs you sell them throught the game.Scarface is smilar to gta games espeily vice city but however you cant kill civlians when you are Tony but if you turn to assassin,boat driver,driver and enforcer you can kill an civilians.The cops can get you frustrated when you do a mission and when the cops chase you soo long then it says YOU ARE F***ED thats means that you are dead they will kill you in maybe five shots and you cant see your health bar.Sometimes when you do missions for fronts you have too buy the fronts to get closer to the story and it gets annoying because its to expensive sometimes one millon or twenty five million and one million is hard to get.People who likes scarface or gangsters or drug lords or maybe even gta then try scarface the world is yours

GOOD-the story is good-missions are fun and interseting-Tpny Montana is a funny and a cool charcter-the cars are cool you can call your people to pick you up-weapons are awesome-targeting system is easy and awesome easy for you to shoot

BAD-the cops get you frustrated in a mission when they chase you-you have to get lots of money to get far in the story