Say ello to my little friend!

User Rating: 8.8 | Scarface: The World Is Yours XBOX
I have to admitt I was going into this expecting another crappy GTA rip-off and got quite the surprise. The game is fairly original and does a good job of rewritting the story of Tony Montana. Between his constant swearing and and the talk about his balls I felt like I was really playing as Tony Montana.I found this game to be highly immersive at the start with a decent story line. There's something to be said about making that huge deal and raking in millions of dollars. The game features some very nice details like being able to have random conversations with people walking down the street. I found myself spending 10-20 min. on ocassion doing just that. The music has a fairly wide variety of music thogh it could have benifited from allowing you to load and play your own. The game dos a great job of making you feel like you really are building an empire from the ground up. I constantly found myself trying to make that extra money to buy that super nice car. The balls meter was a nice touch as well bringing in you into first person mode and making you invincible. Unfortunately the game can get a little repetitive after awhile and the only thing that made me really want to keep playing was buying and unlocking new things. I found myself having to take breaks for a few days to keep myself interested in the game after I played a few days straight. There is definetley more good than bad but this game is far from perfect. The driving mechanics are a little wonky at times and there were times when my car would manage to get stuck in the trunk of a tree! Besides that the targeting in the game works pretty well and so does the A.I. of the police...wai no that's not right they're pretty dumb.