Scarface The world is yours shows what would happen if Tony lived.

User Rating: 6.5 | Scarface: The World Is Yours PC
STORY: 6 /15
SOUND: 6/10
WORLD: 6/10
WEAPONS: 10/10
AI: 4/5
COST: 3/5

SCORE: 66/100

Scarface The World is Yours is like the second part of the movie but instead of Tony dieing he lives! The games story pretty much shows what would Tony do If he survived. Like every other game it has some strong and weak points but I really felt that this game could be a lot better than it is...

The games story line is pretty shallow and I think that even I could've made it better since I am a huge fan of Scarface...
There are few unexpected moments in the game but that's the only good thing about the story... Also a big CON to the story is that it feels really far away from the original movie.. It just doesn't seem to suite as a sequel...

The graphics are pretty OK but GTA III era games didn't have better ones...
The water reflections look pretty neat.

Some sound bugs were encountered during the gameplay but sound is pretty good.
Game has a great cast of voice actors and few really famous actors like James Woods
The Tony's voice isn't Al Pacino's but it is pretty close..
The music in the game is good but it matters of what genre you like the best...
You are pretty lucky if you like Reggae, Flamenco or the great original Scarface movie soundtracks..
But soundtracks also include some not suitable music like 21st century rock and rap... It's a shame since 80's rock was great but theres only like 5 rock songs which are from 80's.
Also there's like really bad 21st century rap music...
The pop music is pretty good but there are not much memorable songs..
I am a huge fan of 80's music but I recognized only a half of them or even less...

World is pretty good. Miami could've been bigger but you get some islands too.. There are also some places which you can recognize from the movie and Tony's mansion looks pretty accurate.

The best part of the game is combat and weapons.
Other games have to learn from this one.
The shooting system is great. You can do auto aiming or manual aiming at any situation...
You can take cover and even go to the blind rage mode in which Tony doesn't take any damage and gets healed by every kill he makes.
Also each gun feels diffrent from another one...
And you can also buy weapon upgrades like double clip, a silencer or even get a granade launcher attached to your M16 assault rifle.

The game is pretty fun. but gets pretty booring after like 20 hours of gameplay.
Mostly because of the uninteresting Storyline.

Physics are better than in GTA III era games but still not really that sharp
The most problem aren't physics but hitboxes.
The hitboxes for some cars feel too large or too small and there is the same problem on some buildings.

It is pretty good even challenging at some parts.

GTA Vice city cracked the 80's atmosphere while this game didn't felt that great in the atmosphere. It could've been better.

What could be better than Tony Montana.
He is an awesome character!
But there are some problems...
He doesn't feel like the character from the movie... This Tony Montana feels at some points like whole diffrent man.
Also he can't jump for some reason :(

You should really think about it first before buying...
I still recommend the movie more than the game.