As much as they tried, not much can make this any more than an average tennis game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Sega Superstars Tennis X360
(Reviewed for Xbox 360)

[Opening Comment]
Sega Superstars Tennis will have you screaming mad in a matter of seconds, it could be because one moment, you'll destroy your opponent in a matter of shots, and the next you can move without being scored on, or it could be the fact that half the game the mini-games are pointless and usually have nothing to do with tennis, but you have to complete them to unlock D-List Characers and courses. But It isn't all bad.

The game controls as anyother tennis game would, A or X or a combination of both to hit, and control your shot's aim with the analog stick and move with the same analog stick (Hard) but there is a mix up in this one, Super Star Mode, which really has no effect on the game if you use one, concidering is goes straight to your opponent if you have it but if your opponent uses it, you'll hardly get to the ball, usually an automatic score for them, but not you. The controls are usually unresponsive and might not even work at times. Merely an average control scheme.

Besides some really colorful and good looking courses, the graphics are also pretty average, I'll compare it to Mario and Sonic and the Olympic Games, the character designes do not look as good as mario and sonic, less detrail and not as smooth, but it moves smooth and it's a pretty looking game.

Superstar Mode (kind of a campaign-ish mode) will last your a couple of days, that is, if you dont just stop playing because it is frustering or getting boring, it will last more in just local multiplayer, but if you want to try it online, good luck finding a match.
[Score- 7.5]

An Average control scheme mixed up with Superstar mode, but that's really nothing special, the main attraction are the characters, ranging from Sonic the Hedgehog and Monkey Ball to Space Channel Five and Golden Axe. I wouldn't pay for the whole 50-60 dollar price tag, check your bargin bins.