Good game, but there are flaws to it though

User Rating: 8.5 | Sega Superstars Tennis WII
To say the least this game is a real fun game, but the flaws make it hard to play though. For example, when you are serving sometimes you try to hit the tennis ball but you miss a few times, that happens to me alot. The graphics are quite impressive, and..........well this game is pretty hard. In this game you can choose what difficulty you want, but when you play a first time then it's hard to know what to do, and the delayed controls make it worst, but after a while it gets easier and easier to learn. There are a few game modes like Match mode, Superstar mode and a mode you can play mini games on, lets just call this Mini game mode. Match mode is nothing more then a multi player mode. You can choose to play singles mode or doubles mode. Singles mode is just you vs. your opponent. In doubles mode it';s tag team vs. tag team. Superstar mode is a type of tournement mode, you choose which court to choose from then you have a tournement in that court. Mini game mode is real cool, it's a mode with a load of mini games from all of the sega characters in this game. Although there are flaws and delays it's still a fun game. Oh yah I almost forgot that there are four ways to play this game. Standard, W/nunchuck, Traditional or classic remote. Standard is where you hold and use the Wii remote like a tennis racket, W/nunchuck you use the analog stick, traditional (which is my favorite way to play) is holding your Wii remote the classic way. I can't tell you about using the classic remote because I don't have a Wii remote unfortinately. Heres aother thing, you can use special move when the sar under your character is filled up. To do that you press A and B at the same time. Overall this is a fun game, though there are flaws and delayed controls.

Overall 8.5