To describe this game would be an unjustice to the team, so if I must describe this game... Amazing....Simply amazing!

User Rating: 9.4 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
As a hard core fan of the original ICO I know that this team would come up with something special. Finally they are getting some serious attention and I believe this game speaks well for their effort. One of the most obvious features of the game that stands out amongst all others is the way the game is delivered. The developers put some serious time in just making the enviroment seem so real it's crazy, it's as if when you put the game in your transported to another universe. Once you've recovered from the opening sequence your set open your quest which will remain much of a secret till the end.

The gameplay is amazing this is not your typical game, your not finding items or killing hordes of the undead, with your trusty steed and simple sword you set off to defeat perhaps the most awesome enemies I've ever seen in a game. The true beauty and art of this game I would have to say is the actual colossus. The scale in which these creatures move in the enviroment is amazing, you'll find some that move fast, slow, fly and even submerge themselves underwater. Each one has it's own character and personality, somtimes I felt myelf wonder if what I was doing is correct. How could someone slay such beautiful creatures. You'll find yourself just observing them from time to time. The control of the game is at first a little sketchy but once you've got the jest of it, you'll be ready to scale the back of these beasts in an attempt to find their weak spots. Each battle is intense and is amazing to watch and experience. Graphically the game is perhaps one of the best seen on the PS2 truely pushing it to it's limits. Yes there is some times that the frame rate will slow down, sometimes at movements against the colossus. Otherwise there not something to grumble about, the game should still run smooth.

This is art in it's truest form, I am extremely impressed with the developers for putting this together. The game industry needed this in the wake of the GTA nonsense and the talks about how games ruin the minds of children. I'd like Hilary Clinton and the rest of congress to talk bad about this game! LoL I truely hope that you will pick this game up and enjoy the masterpiece.