We need more games like this!

User Rating: 8 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
Shadow of the Colossus is a decent game for the PS2. The graphics where pretty impressive, I really thought the PS2 couldn't handle stuff like this but I never got any framerate issues while riding through the vast places, which on itself was pretty entertaining.

Still the game wasn't that hard once you realised how to kill the gaints that you were facing. This is the games greatest flaw in my opinion. You're only riding around killing gaints. The gaints themselves are all pretty different and you'll need different tactics to slay them but in the end all your doing is climing on one, poke your sword into the light giving spot and it's dead.

You must be thinking: why the hell did he say we need more games like this if he's saying it's very liniar? Well it still shows the PS2 isn't fully utilized and it still posses great power. And even though its liniar it's an awesome game that every PS2 owner must play. Also it plays very natural, something many games to date are missing.

So if you have a PS2, and you are looking for a great experience then buy this!