A Beautiful Yet Simple Masterpiece Whose Scale has Yet to be Matched.

User Rating: 10 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
Shadow of the Colossus might just be one of the greatest games ever created. Most impressive game out there and most overlooked.

Story - 8/10
The Wanderer has to kill some Colossi in order to revive his love. I believe there is more depth, but whenever I play it my friends want to skip most of the cutscenes.br />

Game Play - 10/10
Groundbreaking. The scale of the boss fights and the strategies to get on them create for one of the most unique game play experiences of all time. The scale of the enemies has yet to be matched.

Re-playability - 10/10
Since the year it came out I've gone back to it annually to do a play through. I've played it through roughly 8 times by now. Once you beat the story you unlock hard mode, once you beat hard mode you get time trials mode. Replay value is as close to endless as you can get.

Graphics/Sound - 10/10
When this came out it was way ahead of its time. A game this visually stunning was unheard of, and moving creatures of this size were never thought to be possible. Most impressive game ever created? I think so.

Uniqueness - 10/10
How many games do you know where you can interactively climb creatures up to 1000X your size? Well I only know one, and that is Shadow of the Colossus. No game has lived up to this games grand scale and pure epicness of bosses. You wont better boss fights anywhere else.

Too many people overlook this masterpiece because they claim it's "too simple", but ironically the simpleness is the key to it's excellence. If you own a PS2 get it. Even if it means you have to dig your PS2 out of your attic, get it. This is a game that should be experienced by everyone who likes gaming. The true definition of "revolutionary".