My favorite game of all time with reason.

User Rating: 10 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
Gamespot wanted me to choose a "classification" that I thought best fit this game. After going through the list and seeing that so many apply I was disappointed that they didn't have 'check boxes' rather than making you chose just one. Its like distilling Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past (or choose your favorite Zelda or non-Zelda game) into one word; it can't be done. That being said, I will bolster what I feel does a great injustice to this game. The game is in fact a masterpiece; however it is also "all its cracked up to be", "amazing", "ambitious", "hard to describe", "immersive", "hard to describe", "innovative", and "just plain fun." And let us not forgot "Revolutionary." These are just some of the 'Classifications" that Gamespot gave me to choose from, I didn't even use them all in my review text, and there are many more besides that could be used to describe this game. Let me put it to you this way. If you haven't already picked up this 1080p, 3D remake of both this game, Ico, and some spiffy bonus behind the scenes/ previews for the bargain price of $40, I implore you to do so. Both of these games are amazing. And if you can't afford it at the moment, trade some games in or just wait until some used copies come in. Mine sure as hell won't, but to each his own. Trust me: by these games.