A brilliant tactical RPG set in the wonderfully rich universe of Shadowrun.

User Rating: 8 | Shadowrun Returns PC

So I played the Shadowrun games slightly out of order yet that did not hamper my enjoyment of Shadowrun Returns. For those unfamiliar with this series Shadowrun started out as a tabletop RPG and has seamlessly made the transition into a computer RPG series thanks to the team at Harebrained Schemes. These are very much story-driven games featuring a brilliant tactical combat system to support the gameplay. I loved Shadowrun Dragonfall when I played through it close to five years ago and I finally got the chance to play the Returns, the first game in the series. As someone who likes to play lots of different games it is always a challenge to commit myself to a lengthy RPG. That said I find the Shadowrun universe such a interesting setting and I'm so glad I had the chance to revisit it.

Shadowrun Returns starts when you get a video message on your computer from someone you used go running with. See shadow runners are freelancers who get paid to do other peoples dirty work. Turns out your friend Sam has met his end and he is offering you a reward if you can find out who killed him. If working for a dead man isn't interesting enough you start to unravel much bigger plots at play. You'll start by investigating the local bar where Sam used to spend much of his time at. Conveniently this bar happens to be a great place to pick up some jobs and the supplies need to go along with them. Eventually you meet one of Sam's relatives and find out they have ties to the Universal Brotherhood, a religious organization which, after some investigating, appears to have some nasty secrets going on behind the scenes.

You'll spend an equal amount of time or more in battle as you will reading the massive script that makes up the storyline. Shadowrun Returns is a tactical strategy game where you'll find your team and the opposing forces on a large grid often compose of multiple rooms and scattered furniture. You and your opponents takes turns and on your turn each of your characters usually have two actions they can take. Whether you move, attack, or use an ability these each will take one action point. When you go to attack an enemy you see a percentage of the chance that you'll land a hit on them. This percentage has many factors that go into it such as the distance between you and your foe, your proficiency level with your weapon, and whether your opponent is out in the open or behind cover.

Only your main character will you need to level up stats for as all your other companions you'll just hire from the local network of available shadow runners. There are some major skills such as Quickness, Strength, Intelligence, and Willpower. Each of these skills has subcategories which can only be leveled up to as far as you have leveled the overlapping skill. This means it will probably be best to focus on two or three areas to specialize in rather than attempt to be a jack of all trades. There are different archetypes that specialize in close quarters combat, magic abilities, decking (hacking), summoning spirits, and rigging drones. Having a team that compliments your own skills and gives you flexibility in combat is key to surviving the rather unforgiving scenarios throughout the game.

I've always enjoy tactical RPGs from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance to Banner Saga and I can confidently say that the Shadowrun series can easily stand with the greats. What is most unique about Shadowrun is the incredible universe the games are set in which combines cyberpunk and fantasy in a wholly-believable modern setting. Even aside from the deep and fascinating storytelling is a equally complex but manageable combat system and character progression. As you barely get through one fight to another each new upgrade you receive feels like a godsend and will provide just the edge you need to survive your next encounter. There is a lot of reading to get through to enjoy the storyline but if you don't mind that and wish to sink your teeth into a deeply rewarding tactical RPG look no farther than Shadowrun Returns.