Anyone feeling a bit of nostalgia should definitely play this simple but addictive arkanoid game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Shatter (2009) PC
- An arkanoid gameplay formula with a futuristic theme and the addition of the blow and suck mechanisms
- Well-implemented boss battles
- Fantastic visuals and soundtrack with suck you in

- Easy to lose sight of the ball
- Not enough power-ups

Shatter is a modern version of the classic arkanoid with the addition of the blow and suck mechanisms applied. This game's concept remains as simple as the ones you might have played ages ago, but the fun factor still remains intact. Add of few "modern" additions such as the slick boss battles and superb soundtrack and you got yourself an enjoyable arcade game to play on your PC.

The game doesn't offer much in the way of game modes. There is a story mode which you need to play to unlock everything else which features several waves in a stage and at the end of the stage you fight in boss. Endless mode plays like a survival mode. Get as many points as you can. Another Endless mode is co-op which allows you to play with another player. Time attack gives you a limited amount of time to get as many points you can. Beating the game gives you bonus mode which you play after beating a boss in a level to get extra points. And in the end there is a boss rush.

The gameplay has evolved a little, and thankfully in a good direction and a futuristic theme. There is plenty of gameplay in this game. Battles vary from the classic vertical shooting to the now horizontal shooting. You still use a ball to hit objects in each stage. The addition of the blow and suck mechanisms to your ship allows you to maneuver your ship a little better. This helps especially to hit the last objects. These 2 mechanisms can be rather helpful, but they have some disadvantages including the fact that you can attract objects around you. These objects will come down at you if you suck. Dodging them is an option, but if they hit you will momentarily leave the area (for a second) which is enough time to lose the ball. With all the confusion it's easy to lose sight of the ball. Power-ups are all positive which includes an extra life, unstoppable ball, better maneuverability and more power. There are no negative power-ups unfortunately, making the game too easy at times. The fragments that remain after destroying objects can be sucked in, which will be added to your score.

Getting enough power allows you to fire missiles without the use of the ball to do some serious damage. You need to power-up for it though, so you won't be using it in every level. Bosses are a nice addition to the game. In the story mode you will encounter a boss at the end of each stage and these bosses are very well implanted. The bosses are challenging but never cheap. You will lose some lives to get used to the pattern, but when you do it won't take you long to defeat them. The game gets repetitive especially for newcomers to this kind of classic arcade game, but those who are used to them, you'll probably enough it.

Shatter looks beautiful. The setting in space and levels are all expertly designed. Shatter is easy on the eyes. The explosions and shooting are very well made, with some very rare slowdowns. It's really annoying that the ball can be lost so easily in all the confusion, especially if there are objects coming your way. The soundtrack is as brilliant and it will get inside your head, because it's good. It's quite catchy.

Great visuals, great soundtrack and great gameplay make Shatter a great game. It's not the kind of game aimed for those who love this classic. No, it's for everyone to enjoy. The visuals have been made easy on the eyes but beautiful. The soundtrack is befitting of the game's theme and the gameplay despite being a bit repetitive is quite enjoyable. Other sections such as the story aside, if you play a classic you only play it for its gameplay and you should play Shatter.


Graphics = 8.8
Looks futuristically. The graphics are amazing. Some stages that may feel the same though. Too easy to lose sight of the ball.

Sound = 9.0
A superb soundtrack is enough to skyrocket the sound score.

Presentation / Modes = 8.3
There are some modes including a co-op mode. The story is not explained well but who cares for a story in a classic? At least I don't. The game's theme is intriguing.

Gameplay = 8.5
A classic made modern. The gameplay is fun and innovative. It remains simple throughout the whole game and it gets a little repetitive because of it. Includes suck and blow mechanisms which can be helpful, until objects start falling. Great boss battles. No negative power-ups.

OVERALL = 86 / 100
Anyone feeling a bit of nostalgia should definitely play this simple but addictive arkanoid game.