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User Rating: 4 | Civilization Revolution IOS
I loved the Civ series on my desktop. When i heard that there is one for my iphone, i jumped at the chance! Much to my displeasure, it wasn't up to my expectation. I brought it when it first came out in 09 (yes a little bit late for the review i know), and the first few hours had me hooked... until it gets boring for me. The game became too easy. And often i find myself playing the game with the sound off. The character speaking gets annoying. The leaders of other civilizations speaks gibberish annoyingly, hence i play the game without sound. Too bad it doesn't allow you to play your ipod or pandora in the background while with this game on.

the graphics for iphone... well what do you expect? it's for a mobile device, do not expect something out of the world. It looks and felt very... GBish...

Controls are pretty easy to get used to, but you will find yourself spending at least 5 hours before you get a hold of the controls.

And the game crashes every now and then which becomes annoying. overall i think it's a pretty ambitious idea for iphone, well put together, but there are some missing clinks to make this game a better one.

Overall, i thought it was a waste of cash, i shouldn't had jump so blindingly into this game. Try the free version first before you buy.