Plays like the original. A remake done right.

User Rating: 10 | Sid Meier's Pirates! PC
Pirates must have been of the number one time killers,
next to Defender of the Crown, on the Commodore 64, for me.

Remake often succeed in making you very sad while
trying to make their rank in the history of horrible games.

Defender of the Crown, the remake, is one of them.

Sid Meier's Pirates is all the opposite.

The learning curve is very low, when thrown in my first
sea battle, it became intuitive instantly.

Generally Pirates plays intuitively like very few games do.

Like it was already mentioned in other reviews, it may be one
of the most repetitive games you'll ever have played, but it,
Sid Meier, still knows the art, of making in interesting.

It's again, like in the C-64 days, were the graphical
possibilities were enhanced with fantasy, and
a gameplay, that sucked you in, so that you
forget time and place, and wondered
were the day has gone.

Since the 80s no Pirate game could beat Pirates!,
and the first that should reach at it, is Pirates!

The graphics are very smooth, and the
lovely graphics make you feel good.

Pirate holidays in the Caribbean.

Pirates is a game that can be taken out of the drawer
every once in a while again, and is just plain good old fun.