Just as engaging as the original, but sure to delight new fans as well. Sid Meier does it again!

User Rating: 9.4 | Sid Meier's Pirates! PC
I'm going to assume that those reading this have never played the original. For those that have: yes, it's a true and faithful remake that's perfectly executed. For those new to the game, it's a classic Sid Meier romp in that you will be saying "Just one more thing to do!" all night until the birds sing outside your window. Gameplay is an interesting mix of roleplaying (lite), strategy and some very fun mini-games. Much of the strategy comes from the following considerations: * Ship selection: Do you want a fast, light ship, or a heavy bruiser? Royal sloops are agile and quick, but nothing is quite as impressive as bringing 32 guns to bear. * Which nations will you side with? All, none, or a careful mix? * Will you do much raiding of towns? The list goes on. Even after acquiring the perfect ship and getting her fully upgraded, there is a large amount of quests to complete. From finding your missing family to romancing the governor's daughter, there's always something fun on your to-do list. If you like Sid Meier, this game is one of his classics, faithfully and lovingly brought into modern computer gaming.