retarded game

User Rating: 1 | Silent Hill 2 (Special 2 Disc Set) PS2
controls suck everything sucks about this game with the exception of the environments
I had people over and we decided to play this game that i just got, and all 6 people agreed that this was a stupid game. even the walking is screwed up and is very retarded. the zombies shock you at first but end up being very lame. This game is about exploring which you can do just about any third person game, the controls suck, this game is so boring, and it is not worth playing or buying, i have no idea what people see in this game because it is retarded especially to today's standards. I played this game for maybe thirty minutes to possibly and hour and it is stupid. I like games with an equal amounts of violence and exploring, the game doesn't do well with just one over the other. the game is stupid and i can't see how anyone liked this game, maybe the time the game was made i have no idea but the game is just stupid and i feel sorry for anyone who bought this game, and i remain confused to how anyone liked this game