7.7? This is one of the greatest games that I've ever played.

User Rating: 9.5 | Silent Hill 2: Saigo no Uta PS2
I'm a bit of a late bloomer in the Silent Hill fan-club. I played through Silent Hill Origins a few months ago, Silent Hill 1 shortly after it was added to the playstation network, and Silent Hill 2 last Sunday. I specify on the day because I spent all day playing it, finishing on the day I began. There have only been a hand-full of games that I was ever that addicted too, all of which were excellent. Based on Gamespot's rating, this is the most underrated game I've ever played. My actual score is 9.75, just shy of being perfect.
I'll admit that the game starts off a little slow, as do all of the Silent Hill games that I've played, but takes off immediately once you're exposed to the first plot-twist--and this game is full of them. Once you're exposed to the first bizarre factor in the game, you'll just keep seeing more until the game is finished.
Many of the great things about this game I can't manage to put into words, which isn't particularly a bad thing. After all, The Shawshank Redemption is one of the greatest movies of all time, but it's hard to describe why. You'll just have to see The Shawshank Redemption, as you'll just have to play Silent Hill 2 to know. This game consists of a rather demented form of game-play, which would be rather difficult to make satisfying, but Konami succeeded in doing so. If you like weird stories--as this game certainly has one--this will be an excellent title for you.
P.S. They did an astounding job of making this an indirect sequel. An entirely different plot that manages to center around the same haunted town from the first game. Most horror story sequels are simply a reenactment of the original consisting of characters with different names. This game felt nothing like the original game, yet still felt as though there were a connection through the town of Silent Hill. Plenty of horror film makers could learn something from Konami.