The Silent Hill genre has become a statement of grand story telling in the gaming community.

User Rating: 9.5 | Silent Hill 3 PC
The replay ability of the third installment in the series is remarkable. Silent Hill 3 accomplishes merits which many people could never have even imagined possible.

The game play should keep you fairly entertained while the story will grab you and not let you go until the credits finish rolling.

Puzzles on hard in Silent Hill 3 are the most obscure and easily the most challenging of any game I have come across thus far.

The voice acting is a bit odd from Douglas in the beginning, but Heather does a wonderful job of being captivating, and she does a great job of taking the gamer on quite the roller coaster ride of emotions.

I am thrilled that the Silent Hill games have kept me entertained for years (even to this day).

So when I need a temporal escape from reality, Silent Hill 3 more than satisfies my appetite for the strange and unknown.

And, of course, with the xbox 360 controller and today's current hardware, this game should be celebrated as much as, if not more than, the PS 2 version.