A game so disturbing, so utterly insane, that it will leave you wondering exactly what drug the developers took.

User Rating: 9 | Silent Hill 3 PS2
Silent Hill has always been a game with some disturbing images and scenes nearly demonic in appearance. Silent Hill 3 returns to the story of the first one, and has you playing as Heather Mason.

The game itself looks fantastic. Its easily one of the best looking games on the PS2 console. However, this is a double edged sword when it comes to traveling through some of the game's environments.

The gameplay is still revolving around relative tank controls, but the controls this time have been improved. Playing this game is easier than the first two, in terms of controls. Movement is more fluid, and there are more control options, like manually aiming your firearms vertically.There are a large amount of weapons at your disposal this time around, mostly involving a large number of melee items, much like the first game.

The story is somewhat frantic and nonsensical compared even to the first game. Not enough is explained, and finding out the secret of the main character was something most probably did before release. It still revolves around the cult trying to awaken its "God," and all the nightmares that come with it.

The characters leave much to be desired. Heather goes from cocky to murderous rampage. We never truly feel for her because she never seems to take anything seriously. Its hard to feel scared when your character is cracking jokes and seemingly withdrawn from what is happening, seemingly entirely ignorant she just killed a group of creatures that defy explanation.

The environment is something to admire. Its so sick, so disgusting, so utterly gory, insane, and disturbing, that it alone is enough to make turn on every light in the room you are currently in...even during the day. You see bloody walls ooze puss, bits of flesh skewered through rusty and broken metal, bodies littering the area, the environment itself seems like an enemy, and in a few instances, actually is. Your surroundings often move, make noise, change, all putting you on edge, when even your doorbell ringing will send you ten feet into the air.

The monsters are some of the scariest to date. They, for the most part, are far more threatening than their previous counterparts, even on Easier modes, adding to the fear. When a hulking 9 foot, hallway blocking monster takes 15 shots to kill and can hit you from extreme distances, on easy mode, it adds to the fear factor of coming across one. The monsters are all heavily detailed, disturbing, and something most couldn't have thought of in their worst nightmares. They moan, howl, screech, shake, growl, roar, and leave you wondering what exactly is making that awful noise coming from down the dark hallway...

The puzzles are Easy on easy mode, Normal on Normal mode, and so-hard-you-would-have-a-better-chance-guessing-the-combo on Hard mode. Hard mode is so blatantly impossible, that even 4 minutes into the game you will be reaching for a guide, unless you are a Shakespearean expert bird watcher with a degree in thinking-outside-the-box. Some puzzles are so obscure, that even after reading a guide you will STILL wonder exactly how you were supposed to get the answer. The game also isn't afraid to add its sick and twisted imagery into the puzzles, something some have considered even go too far.

This game has an insane number of unlockables, so many, in fact, that you could play through the game 10 times and still not unlock everything. There are multitudes of weapons, outfits, difficulties (A whopping 10 to unlock, not including easy, normal, and hard.), and even special circumstance added to scare those on a second playthrough.

All in all, the game is easily the scariest I have ever played. It is dark, gruesome, and so bloody and gory even Bruce Campbell would be shocked. Its mind-bending puzzles will test your thinking, and its environment will test your ability to actually progress forward. Its not as deep, thoughtful, and heavy as its predecessor, but it is a solid title, an excellent horror title, nonetheless.