The scariest Silent Hill yet, and that's saying alot...

User Rating: 8.5 | Silent Hill 3 PC
This game is all about atmosphere and it does a damn good job a creating one! Walls are bloody, Rusty Metal, and terrifying monsters in the darkness. This game has a fantastic soundtrack it mainly composes of a gritty mechanical soundtrack which sets the atmosphere really well!rnrnThe Story- in this game follows a teen-age girl named heather which after a bad nightmare find her-self plunged into a horrible world which is worst than any nightmare she can imagine.rnrnGameplay- If you have played any other silent hill game the combat in this game is no different from the others. But for those who are new, the gameplay is a third-person survival horror. You will encounter many monsters in the game which all have different attack styles and different way of killing you! But to Combat this you a have a large arsenal of weapons from melee to a sub-machine gun!! You move heather using the keyboard and mouse you customize the controls to your liking or you can use a gam-pad if preferred. The games camera is good but can get really annoying at times when the camera angle is looking away from the Monsters!!! The Game is quite hard so for new comers i would recommend easy mode. There are alot of mind-bending puzzles in the game one of them you need basic knowledge of Shakespear!!! (luckly the are difficutly settings for that too!)rnrnGraphics- The games graphics is amazing the fog looks great, the lighting is ground-breaking and the real-time shadowing, Lens-flare and customizable texture resolution all help to make the game look at its best! The character models are highly detailed and smooth. Some of the textures are a bit blurred and low-res but that is hardly noticeable. The pc version looks bit better than its ps2 counterpart (the Pc version is a Port) the graphics are a bit sharper and more detailed but not largely different.