Borrow a PSP if you have to but dont pass this game up.

User Rating: 9.5 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 PSP
For the past year I have wanted to play a modern fps that was good. Since I don't own an Xbox360 or PS3 i couldnt play Modern Warfare 2 or the Excellent Battlefield Bad Company 2. Then came along a Soccom Navy Seals Game. I never played any games in the franchise, so i didnt expect much. I expected an average run of the mill shooter that would satisfy me for 1 week until i have the money to get an XBOX360. I was very very wrong. SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 is without a doubt the best game ive played ALL YEAR. The story is very engaging and is one that makes you actually care about the characters. It tells of the KRA (Koravitain Revolutianary Army) a terrorist group who is making chemical weapons and all kinds of other stuff. But the excellent story is a sidenote to the great gameplay. The controls will fit competetive gamers who want the highest challange possible and the losers who cant shoot for crap all at the same time. Now I know what youre thinking "Pat its a shooter on the PSP it must be horrible with no right analog stick and aming with the face buttons. Well, think agian. Soccom Navy Seals uses something I like to call the awesome stick (thats wut she said). to get a close aim and move your reticle press up in the d pad once from there you can actively strafe and shoot all with the analog stick. It may sound confusing but in the end its the best control scheme ive ever seen for a PSP game yet (well except for resistance retribution). The presentation is just awesome. When I looked at the opening cutscene I thought I was playing a PS3 for a second. Ok, well mabey it wasnt that pretty. But It was great quality for a cinematic.
Some people say that a PSP is basically a portable PS2. Well, now I think its a Portable PS3 with slightly downgraded graphics thanks to this game. Now I know gamespot gave it a 6 but c'mon are YOU going to trust the same people who gave Sonic CD a 5.0!!!!!!! Yea, thats what I thought. If you have a pulse you should buy this game, nuff said.