This game is nothing more than a heavily polished rehash of the classic games

User Rating: 6 | Sonic Mania NS

It's time for Sonic fans to quit deceiving themselves and accept this fact: This game is a rehash. Pure and simple.

I'm not saying it's a bad rehash or even a mediocre one, but it's a rehash nonetheless. Yes, I understand it has new features in it and stuff. but to be fair, they're mostly very minor ones to the point it's window dressing at best. Yes, the polish and fine tuning is impressive. I'll admit that, but AGAIN, this game is not that special when taken into account this game does not do anything new and creative that sets it apart from the other rehashes.

There's hardly any new gameplay mechanics. You can only play as 3 characters that you could already play as in the other rehash games. Worst of all, it's basically a downgrade in a sense from Sonic Advance. You could play as Amy and Cream in those at least.

Seriously, Sonic fans. Knock off this garbage of this being, "the best Sonic game ever." If you like it, that's fine, like it all you want, but call it for what it is. You know in your heart of hearts this game is not the best Sonic game ever.

If it's the best at anything, it's the best polished rehash of the Sonic classic Genesis games, which really isn't that impressive in the grand scheme of things.