Is fast original platforming again in 2-D for Sonic only this time a bit harder but still is Sonic gameplay at his best.

User Rating: 9 | Sonic Rush DS
Sonic is back once again in Nintendo's latest portable the Nintendo DS. This time Sonic's common friends will not be playable like tails, knuckles, etc. Which is a bit sad however in this new installment we get the introduction of a new character Blaze the Cat. She is a very mysterious girl in the game not a pinky Amy style of girl. Yet one thing that remains the same is Dr. Eggman only this time there is also another Eggman called Eggman Nega. A new enemy or just Eggman disguised? This is one of the questions that Sonic tries to seak in the game and probably you will be curious to know too.

Now the gameplay in Sonic Rush is more faster then any other 2-D Sonic game you ever experience before. With the help of Dual screen you can now see what will Sonic encounter when he goes down or up. Yes Sonic will go from the upper screen to the touch screen and sometimes it can take you by surprise so you should always pay atention to the game. The levels are pretty much Sonic style that you know and love by featuring platforming elements seen in previous 2-D Sonic titles but also introducing new ones. The only tricky thing about Sonic Rush is that the levels are quite harder and sometimes going too fast can make you fall. Blaze is pretty much the same levels just a different order but she ain't really special but is not a bad addition and certainly a more interesting character then Amy.

But the big different aspect here is the boss battles. Even tough you battle them in 2-D gameplay the characters are in 3-D. And also sometimes the camera will change to 3-D form for a special attack. Is certainly a pretty interesting addition and makes boss battles more fun then any other Sonic 2-D game. Each boss will have their different style to get beat whether is pushing something to him or jumping on his head, etc.

Overall Sonic Rush is a really great addition that is worthy of the Sonic name. Sonic fans should definetely pickup this title. And non fans can still give it a try renting it you will certainly have enjoyment with it. Another really great 2-D experience like New Super Mario Bros. for the DS collection.