wow thats heavy

User Rating: 8 | Spec Ops: The Line X360

Having only heard a little about this beforehand playing I didn't know too much what to expect going in. I got it on sale on xbla for about 5 dollars. The game while fairly standard in the gameplay military shooter department is all fun and good. You have a 2 man squad and can issue attack orders, have 2 weapon slots and achievements are unlocked for number of kills. Where the game really stands out is its surrealistic style of the city of dubai, and its incredibley dark and powerful story it tells. I really did have to stop playing a few times because it really did get under my skin and disturbed me quite a bit, somehow moreso then alot of other games but this game just has some really haunting imagery that can burn itself into your brain after done playing. The sound effects and music are fantastic in the game. The graphics are stunning at times and are very good at portraying the beauty and horror this game goes for. If looking for something with a bit of substance and a fairly fun shooting game to play definatley give this a try.