One of the best Spider-Man games ever!

User Rating: 9 | Spider-Man 2 PS2
I remember when the 2nd movie was announced and at the same time I saw previews for the video game coming along with it. I had already had the 1st movie game and the 1st movie on DVD, both of which were amazing! So out of all the excitement, I was ready for the next game/movie to come out.
My mom actually bought the game without me knowing, and handed it to me about the same time I was going to see the movie. I remember just putting the game disc in and being so shocked of the graphics and the gameplay. I felt like I was going into a whole new world, the bosses: Shocker, Doc Ock, Rhino, Mysterio, and then some extras: Puma (Exclusive to the PC and GBA version of the game) and Calypso.
The first time I was able to swing freely, I felt I could do anything I wanted as Spider-Man. Swinging around and actually being able to go from the skyscrapers to the ground floor was just so baffling! You could go to the Stature of Liberty at Liberty Island, Queens, downtown Manhattan, etc. It was just amazing!
I liked the fact that Bruce Cambell came back to narrate the game once again. If you don't know who he is, he's been friends with director - Sam Raimi for years, since they worked on the Evil Dead series. Now, back to the game, the only actual complaint I suppose is that the side-missions were kind of dumb, like saving that damn balloon from small children(sometimes I just popped them with my webbing to piss off those little brats.) The hardest part of this game would've been the part where you first meet Quentin Beck and have to play his stupid games. Another, would be when you must fight Doc Ock on the train and in the abandoned warehouse.
Other than the small irritating parts of the game that I just noted, the game is just too perfect! I recommend this to anyone who's a fan of Spider-Man, Marvel, and free-roaming environmental games.