User Rating: 10 | SSX 3 PS2
Yes it really is te panye train. This game is truely the best snow boarding game ever made, and thats not because its one of the very few ever made. This is the best game that EAsports has ever made and the best sports games series ever made.
With this game its not really about the story it just about the fun of it, doing insane tricks, custumizable characters, and the true thrill that should come from a video game. With this game you can really get sucked into it. When I play it, i find my self sometimes with my mouth wide open and subcontiously moveing my head to try to look past an obstickle, thats how much you can get sucked into it.
The most fun part of the game would have to be the racing because when you racing down the mountian again your rival can be really intense and fun. The freestyle part of it is not as good as the racing in my eyes, not in the eyes of others.
Even though this is a 2003 game it does have online, and i know what your thinking, pre 2006 online sucks, but this doesnt. The online is nonglitchy and is alot harder then the actual game.
The goal of the game is to earn a million dollers but that just takes some time and doing the races on peak three. The secret mini missions are very easy and a great way to make money, and there are these snowflake things that you can earn 500,1000,or 2000 dollars when geting them and there a part of getting a 100% of the way through the game witch is really hard and takes at least 60 hours of good playing to beat it.
The charecter models are very good, they are not blocky and pixelated, they are good, and the other sets of cloths you can put on them are good and some are very hot. There is 11 places to race and 13 places to do freestyle, all of them aree great. There is, i think 11 people to be(the best and coolest is Zoe Panye). Some of the things that they say when they get nocked down or pass other player is kind of stupid but some are good. Overale score:10, Racing:11, Freestyle: 9.5.
Out of all of all of the ssx games This is definatly tied 1st out of all of the ssx games, along with the original and Tricky. SSX tour is a good game but it doesnt match the tthrill that the first three give. And Blur just sucked, its a dicrace. I will make a review for the others when I complet them and feel as if i have played them enoghf.
I hope that im not the only one out there who thinks that they should make another ssx but not a big piece of sh*t like blur was.