With its own unique style and gameplay different from any other game this is the best ssx game in the series.

User Rating: 9.5 | SSX On Tour XBOX
The good: awesome soundtrack – uber tricks – great graphics – good sense of speed.

The bad: Not really any multiplayer – some races take way too long - can get frustrating.

Ssx on tour is the fourth ssx game in the series.This time it is better than ever with its own unique style fun game play.

The last game in the series (ssx 3) was open world where you could travel around the mountains and enter a race or freestyle competition at any time you wanted.
That is not the case is on tour, however, but it does not hurt the game in anyway. In fact, it might even make it better.
This game is crazy, not in a bad way, but in a good way. The art style is crazy with crazy drawings all over the menus, loading screen, and even in game sometimes.

In the tour mode, which is the game's version of campaign, you can create your own snowboarder/skier. It allows for customizing how tall, how fat or skinny you are and whether you use ski's or a snowboard.
But if you are a fan of the series' past games, you will more than likely choose the snowboard. The skis add a little something different in case you're tired of just using the same old snowboard.
The customization is pretty deep. You can choose from different category of shirts like collared shirts, tank tops, jackets, and vests. Each category of shirts has different colors and styles. It's the same with pants and other clothing items like gloves, shoes, and goggles/glasses. The clothes, snowboards/skis, and hairstyles are not free.
You can get money by competing in main events or side events. This is what adds some replay value to the game because if you decide to do a main event before doing a side event, you may never get to do that side event. You can move up the ranks starting as a newbie, then a rookie, and you keep going till you reach master. In order to rank up, you must compete in events, win them, and do well in them. How many spots you move depends on your time and freestyle points (mainly in the freestyle events).
There are mainly race events, but not as many freestyle events which are the most fun, mainly, because you can do awesome huge tricks. Your boost meter will go up after successfully landing tricks. After it turns yellow, you can do monster tricks, which get you lots of points. There are quite a few tricks to perform. It might not be as deep as say the tony hawk series, but just enough to keep you from doing the same tricks over and over again. You can even buy your own special tricks at the in game store, but they aren't cheap.
The game is not insanely long, but it's just long enough and good enough to keep you going back to the TOUR mode for more.

There is split screen multiplayer for two players and NO online multiplayer which is a bummer since this game is so fun and challenging. The two player split screen only has race mode and freestyle mode.

The sound is very good. It takes the games crazy art style and adds rock music and punk rock for adrenaline.

The graphics are nice. The snow looks very good. The character models not as good as ssx 3, but they are still good.

Overall any fan of the series will love this game and if you're new to the series you should still get the game.

Single player: 9.2/10
Multiplayer: 7.0/10
Replay value: 9.0/10
Graphics: 9.3/10
Sound: 9.5/10
Funnessfactor: 9.0/10
Game play: 9.3/10
Tilt: 9.0/10
Overall score: 9.3/10