Wow, it amazes me how bad this game is compared to SSX3. Are times really that bad?

User Rating: 1 | SSX PS3
I am still playing SSX3 every other day after I started playing it 2 or 3 moths ago. It might just be one of my favorite games of all time, so very surprisingly. But I can't find the right words to describe how bad this relaunch is.. have the devs even played the original SSX games? Or at least watched gameplay vids? I highly doubt that.

'This ruined every good memory of the series I ever had. Instead of a fun, wide open adrenaline rush to share with friends, you'll spend all your time either speeding out of control into unseen bottomless pits, or flying backwards up the walls. The entire environment is there to trap you, turn you over, or disappear you into oblivion. I would say thank goodness for the reverse feature, but since the rest of the game continues without you it's just a matter of giving up yet MORE time to the turns-on-a-dime AI. Speaking of turning, the control is similar to racing down a hill in a red wagon, with the handle BEHIND you. You'll be all over the place. You need speed, speed, speed to win, but using any will quickly fly you into a dark crevasse, or up a snow column leaving you facing the wrong way with no means to turn around. I strongly regret that there are no game return policies because I hate. Hate. HATE this game.'