Absolutely amazing addition to the series!!

User Rating: 9.5 | SSX PS3
This is a perfect follow up to a great series. Easily the best one in the series!!! LOADS of tracks, all have their own feel and look. Has a great flow to the tracks and once you get past the steep learning curve required to get golds on some of the challenges the world is your oyster and the fun can really begin!!

The online function could have done with some 5 player races rather than just ghost time trials. This is the only reason I haven't given it 10/10.

The graphics are great. Player models look good, the world is immersive and atmospheric. Everything from the powder to the ice looks real.

There are plenty of game mode variations as well. Your basic race and trick down the hundreds of different routes you can take down mountains around the world. Also survive modes that offer a different variation for whichever area you are in (ice, avalance, trees, rocks). These really mix up the gameplay, and are def the biggest challenges in the game.

This is a must for anyone that loves the snow, as well as anyone has a need for speed!

Definitely a great arcade game, by no means realistic, but a hell of a lot of fun! GET IT!!!